
The Journal of Civil Engineering, The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh provides a media through which the engineers can exchange and share professional, technical and academic knowledge on any aspect of Civil Engineering discipline. Information published in the journal stands as archival record of the technical advances of the Institution and the profession in general. As per the constitution and by-laws of the Institution, the Editorial Board is responsible to set the policies governing the Journal. Responsibility for reviewing manuscripts submitted to JCE, IEB for publication rests with the editor who is the Secretary to the Editorial Board of the Journal.

Papers, companion papers, technical notes, discussion/ closure and errata are published in the Journal of Civil Engineering, IEB. Authors need not be the members of IEB to submit material to the journals.

The Editorial Board of the Journal of Civil Engineering has adopted the following guidelines regarding the type and quality of material published in the Journal.

Basic Requirements

To be acceptable for publication in the journal, a manuscript must be of value and interest to civil engineers. It must be an original review of past practice, present information of current interest, or probe new fields of civil engineering activity. It should be a thought-provoking study that contributes to the planning, analysis, design, construction, management, or maintenance of civil engineering works. A manuscript should contribute to the advancement of the profession in the forum provided by the journals for the exchange of experiences by engineers for their common advantage. It should include a practical applications section whenever possible; theoretical manuscripts should indicate areas of additional research to implement technology transfer. Practical papers are strongly encouraged.

The manuscript must be consistent with the purpose of the IEB, as set forth in its constitution, with established fact, and with the Code of Ethics. It must not contain purely speculative matter, although it can use scientific evidence to challenge current concepts or propose new ideas that will encourage progress and discussion.

The manuscript must be free of evident commercialism or private interest, but must neither obscure proper names when they are required for an understanding of the subject matter nor contain material that can be used to imply IEB endorsement of products, services, and so on. The manuscript must also be free of personalities, either complimentary or derogatory. The material must not be readily available elsewhere; i.e., it should not have been published previously by IEB (including a proceeding) or other professional or technical societies, government agencies, or commercial publishers. Manuscripts based on material available elsewhere may be published by Journal of Civil Engineering provided the manuscript has been significantly revised, updated, and condensed into a more concise and readable form, or otherwise made obviously and significantly more useful to the profession than the original material. The published material, however, must be supplied with such a submission. If a previously published manuscript is considered a highly significant advance in the field and its distribution has been very limited, the editor may permit waive the policy against dual publication.

Initial Manuscript Evaluation

The Editor first evaluates all submitted manuscripts. The manuscripts that are insufficiently original, have serious scientific flaws, have poor grammar or English language, or are outside the aims and scope of the journal, or do not meet other basic requirements are rejected at this stage. Those that meet the minimum criteria are passed on to the peer review process.

Contents of Referee Reports

Referees are asked to evaluate whether the manuscript:

  • Is original
  • Is methodologically sound
  • Follows appropriate ethical guidelines
  • Has results which are clearly presented and support the conclusions
  • Correctly references previous relevant work
  • Referees are not expected to correct or copyedit manuscripts. Language correction is not part of the peer review process, rather it lies with the respective authors.


A “tentatively approved” manuscript under rereview may have the following outcomes:

  • Accepted if a single review with positive results is performed. If this single review is negative, two positive reviews are required to finally accept the paper or note.
  • Declined if the author did not revise the manuscript as required by the reviewers, if new material was introduced that is considered to be of unacceptable quality, or if additional errors are found.

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